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KNIFE | Konkurs za admine!

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Konkurs za admine!
Trazimo par admina za pocetak ako ocete da budete admin na ovom serveru popunite formular ispod !!!
1. Nick?
2. Godiste?
3. Koliko sati mozes provesti na srw?
4. Iskustvo ? (1-10)
Samo da se zna imat cete probne admine na 7 dana. Poslije toga ako se pokazete ostat ce vam jos 15 dana a ako se ne pokazete na serveru admin vam se skida!!!
Poslije tih 15 dana morate boost da bih produzili admina !

Contest for admin!
We need admins for the start if you wanna be the admin on this server fill out the form below !!!
1. Nick?
2. When you are born?
3. How many hours can you spend on srerver?
4. Experience? (1-10)
Just to be aware you will have a trial admission for 7 days. After that if you show you will stay for another 15 days and if you do not show up on the admin server you get rid of it !!!





You are here » Ultimatum Community » Konkurs za admine KNIFE » KNIFE | Konkurs za admine!